Information Security Consulting

Information Security Policy Development:

The development of effective Information Security Policies is key to any business, however it is the implementation and monitoring of compliance against these policies that turns these policies into “living” policies.

ICT operational Procedures Development:

The integration of ICT procedures with policies is vitally important in the creation of “living policies”. Alignment to the Best Practice industry standards ensures compliance.

ICT Standards Development:

The development of an ICT Standards manual (aligned to support the policies that have been developed) is another key component of the Information Security foundation.

Security Audits:

Analysis of existing ICT Security coverage against the ICT Security map identifies any gaps in defence.

Security standards alignment with Policies:

Analysis of existing ICT Policies and the identification of gaps within the standards layer mitigates the associated risk.

Information Security Map development:

Consulting services assist IT management in understanding the ICT Security map and the associated risks.

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E2E delivers a range of Security Consulting Solutions that assist IT management to understand the ICT Security map. This is done through detailed Security Audits that analyse and identify any gaps or points of weakness in ICT Security both in terms of infrastructure and policies. We also aid in the development of ICT Security Standards and Policies that ensure effective deployment so that all stakeholders understand their role in order to mitigate risks, thereby turning these policies into “living” policies.