Environmental ICT Consulting

Environmental monitoring systems design and consulting:

A critical element of a stable ICT Infrastructure is the design of a suitable environment for the critical business applications and systems. The real time monitoring of all elements within this environment is key, these elements include power, temperature, access control, fire and flood detection as well as Heat Distribution and Air Flow. The right environment will ensure the protection of key assets and business continuity.

Integrated Management solution design and consulting:

The integration of Environmental Monitoring systems and higher level network and/or system management platforms provides ICT support Professionals with an Enterprise wide systems view. Fault correlation and response is dramatically improved.

Energy Saving/Renewable energy solution design and consulting:

Design of renewable energy solutions for clients needing to generate electricity from renewable resources, such as wind and solar power. This, coupled with the analysis of existing consumption and a TCO analysis of existing infrastructure electrical consumption costs delivers a holistic view of energy use and generation.

Steps Include:

  • Site survey
  • Meteorology Information
  • Renewable Energy Source Review
  • Electrical Energy requirements
  • Profitability and Cost Analysis
  • Environmental Impact survey
  • Project Design and Specification

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Environmental ICT Consulting deals with the design and specification of a range of Server/Switch Rooms and Data Centres which form a critical element of ensuring stable ICT infrastructure for core systems and components. Our designs further enable real-time monitoring of all elements within this environment. We also offer a wide range of services that deal with renewable energy solution designs, monitoring and reduction of energy resources and many other innovative technologies that are tailor made to your specific requirements.

Data Centre/Server Room/Network Switch Room Design and Consulting:

Data Centres, Server and Network switch room environments are often under or oversized and this results in either unsuitable environments or environments that consume excessive power, or are underrated for their desired purpose.